4 Pack Redeo 3rd Generation Solar Mole Repellent Sonic Spike Gopher Repeller Vole Chaser

4 Pack Redeo 3rd Generation Solar Mole Repellent Sonic Spike Gopher Repeller

List Price: $59.99
Tester Price: $9.99 (83% Off)
83% Off!

Our goal was to create a mole repellent that would function more efficiently than all the others on the market. We have achieved our goal by utilizing intelligent chip control system to emit 4 different interval sonic pulses at frequency of 40-1000Hz. 2 seconds on and 10 seconds off, 3 seconds on and 20 seconds off, 4 seconds on and 30 seconds off, 5 seconds on and 40 seconds off. Then work in cyclical. In case the mole get used to the penetrating sonic sound and vibration.

Then work in cyclical. In case the mole get used to the penetrating sonic sound and vibration.